Friday, April 20, 2012

Hey World!

Hi, Mommies!  My name is Yvonne and I'm from Memphis, TN.  I'm starting my very own mommy blog because I am expecting my second child.  I've turned this idea over in my head for the longest and at almost six months pregnant I decided to give it a go.

To anyone that will be reading this blog, please keep in mind that I am not a professional writer nor am I a professional blogger so pretty much all of my posts will be random thoughts, ideas, or just stuff that crossed my mind as I get ready to welcome my bundle of joy. 

I'm open to suggestions, ideas, and guess blogging if anyone is interested.  I will definitely be sharing some of my experiences, events that I go to and some baby product reviews just to keep the blog interesting. So with out further adieu, welcome to Diva's Mommy Blog.  Enjoy!


  1. Congrats on your new edition. I'm glad you're back!

  2. Thx, chic. Still tryin to get back into blogging.


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