Monday, September 24, 2012

Just Throw It In The Bag...What I Took In My Hospital Bag

I originally wrote this before I gave birth, but had it on draft and never posted it.  So, I was going through my drafts and decided to just update it and post it anyway.   Rather than tell you what I had in my bag, I just updated it to the things that I took that I actually used or needed.

Keep in mind that every hospital is different so you might want to check with yours to make sure that you have everything that you need and leave the stuff at home that you don't need because the hospital will be giving you quite a few things to take home with you.

What Was In My Hospital Bag
  • Personal hygiene stuff-comb, brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, chapstick, deodorant, soap, ponytail holders, and lotion.  Trust me-it's better you pack these things because you never know how stingy the hospital is with personal hygiene stuff.  All I got was soap, no toothbrush or toothpaste and they were stingy on the sanitary pads.
  • Sanitary pads-the ones that had did not stick to my panties and they shifted around a lot causing a lot of accidents.  You will thank yourself for bringing the ones you are use to wearing
  • Socks because the floors are always cold and I got tired of searching for my slippers when I needed to get to the bathroom with the quickness.
  • Nursing bras for easy access.  I left the tank tops in my suitcase because at that point everyone had already seen everything and I wasn't as concerned with modesty nor was I looking forward to having boob juice and spit up on them-less clothes to wash when I get home
  • Nursing pads just in case your milk comes in before you leave the hospital-mine came the night I left and boy did that hurt!
  • Warm bathrobe (because I am very cold natured)
  • Laptop and charger  because I'm a Facebook fool and posted baby pix nonstop.   I also needed to keep up with my online class. 
  • Cell phone and charger- gots to call my peeps!
  • List of friends and family to call and text once baby gets her-yeah know the ones that you're not Facebook friends with
  • Pediatricians name, address, and phone number -because hospital will ask and you want to go ahead and make an appt for your baby
  • My insurance card
  • Pens and notebook for jotting down info
  • Gum and candy for dry mouth
  • Snacks because you don't want to spend an arm and a leg in the high priced vending machines-I was surprised that the hospital food was good and they let me order  what I wanted and as much as I wanted.
  • 2 Extra pillows-for comfort, hospital pillows feel like bricks! And can you believe I left mine on the living room couch!
In Ashten's bag
  • 2 or 3 cute baby outfits, hats, socks to chose from for pix and going home in
  • Medical binder (something I put together with page protectors so that I can keep my paperwork and all new paperwork they give me for baby all in one place.  This is what I will be keeping copies of his insurance card, shot record, ss card, and other important copies (not originals) in so I can have easy access to them.  This came in handy because they give you so much paperwork and reading material.
  • 2 soft baby blankets-I know hospital will give me some but they are always so rough 
  • Newborn diapers-the hospital gave us diapers and wipes but I already had tons of newborn diapers with the umbilical cord cut out.  I figured he wouldn't stay small for long so I was going to use up all those newborns and save the size ones the hospital gave us for later.  And plus, I hated folding down the tops of those diapers so they didn't touch the cord clamp.  It grossed me out.

1 comment:

  1. I brought everything but the kitchen sink and didn't even use half of it when I had my daughter. This time, I'm keeping it simple, and will send hubby to the store (that's right up the street from the hospital) should we need anything last minute. Underwear, sanitary napkins, socks, toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, etc. were all provided by the hospital. I ended up leaving with more than I came with!! Congrats again on your new bundle! :-)


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