Friday, June 15, 2012

Baby Registry Part 4: The Almost WalMart Experience

Hi, Mommies!  Here is the last part of my registry experience.  This was by far the worst place for me to go.   Now I use to say that WalMart was my fav one stop shop, but recently this has changed.  Although I can always find everything that I want here, the prices have started to drive me elsewhere.  Not only that, but their customer service has become none existence.  It's like even though it's part of their job, they act like you are bothering them when you ask them for help.

Case in point.  I have visited three, yes three WalMarts trying to build my registry and did not had any success.  The first one was in Whitehaven, which I have always referred to as "Hood Mart"  simply because they have the very worst customer service, least amount of cashiers even though the store is always full, and limited selections on almost everything in the store.  Hey, my opinion mommies based on my experiences so don't judge me!

Anyhoo, the first WalMart informed me that the only way I could use their registry was if I had already printed and brought in my sign in and bar code info.  This was because their registry machine was out of paper and they were unable to print anything for me.  And even though WalMart sells pretty much anything, such as the paper needed for this printer, they made no attempt to assist me further.  I was told to come back another day.  Okay....

My second attempt was at the Southaven, MS location.  This outing lasted only about 30 minutes.  All of that 30 minutes was wasted standing in line at customer service waiting to speak with a service rep.  I got hungry and hate to pee, so I decided to return another day....

My third attempt was at the WalMart in Germantown.  This was the most helpful WalMart, but again they fell short.  I was able to walk up to customer service and get pointed in the right direction in less than five minutes.  The registry was located next to the jewelry counter so all I needed was to print my list to scan the barcode.  Everything was fine and dandy until I got the scanner.  It had a 5% battery which meant I wouldn't be doing any scanning today.  After checking all the other scanners they had, that was the one that had the most battery power.  Really??  And on top of that, I wouldn't be allowed to use the scanner unless I presented my ID and left it at the counter.  Like I really wanted to steal a scanner...from do what with, I don't know.

In conclusion, WalMart sucks so I ended up finishing my registry online which sucked even more because I didn't see half the stuff that I actually saw in the stores. I had really hoped to do it in a store, but since I'd had already tried on three different occassions, I digress.

So, that's the end of my registry adventures.  Baby Shower is on Saturday so let's see how my hard work paid off.  I'm interested to see who really pays attention to the registries or do people in general just get what they want when shopping for babies?  We'll see..

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