Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pregnancy Week Wrap Up: 30 Weeks

1.       How far along am I?  30 weeks
2.       How much weight have I gained?  I weight 192 so I’ve only gained one pound in the last two weeks.
3.       What changes have I notice in my body?  I’m not comfortable sleeping in my bed anymore.   No matter how many pillows I use, I wake up with pain in the leg and hip that I sleep on and it’s difficult
for me to breathe.  Now I’m sleeping semi upright in a comfy chair with my feet propped up and feel so much better.  I’ve stopped drinking every time I go to the bathroom so my one to two hour bathroom breaks have been stretched out to three to four hours which equal more sleep.  Ashten’s kicks aren’t as powerful as they have been being.  It used to feel like he was socking me in the
stomach with all his might but now they have gotten lighter.  He is moving and turning over and changing positions a lot more.  This is what is hurting the most because it feels like he is super long and he’s trying to stretch my stomach out of shape.  I’m starting to notice the Braxton Hicks.  I have been having those for awhile but just didn’t know what they were.  Also, the belly wrap is helping with keeping my stomach up so that I don’t have as much pelvic pain when I stand.
4.       Advice my doctor is giving me?  Watch out for warning signs of premature labor and don’t be afraid to call her when I have questions or concerns.  Keep taking care of myself and rest more with my feet up.  Make sure that I get into a Lamaze class and get some breast feeding advice so I’ll be ready and encouraged to actually do it.
5.       How am I sleeping?  Sleeping better since I got out of my bed.
6.       Best moments of the week?  I’ve been trying to get Al to feel my belly when Ashten is kicking because he’s been asking question when he sees him moving across my stomach.  He thought it was gross at first but now he hugs me and rubs my stomach and it’s afraid of it.  My nephew Jon also asked to feel my stomach when Ashton is moving and thought it was cool that he kicked back when he pokes my stomach.
7.       What food(s) am I craving?  Subway is the bizness!  I am obsessed with their ham and cheese on Italian herb and cheese with provolone, mayo, tomatoes, lettuce, bell peppers and onion.  I also get tuna with the same things on it, but I read that I should only eat tuna once a week so I’m dealing.  I also love grape kool aid and grape soda.  Twinkies are my new Bffs too.
8.       What food(s) I can’t stand?  I usually love Subway’s meatball sub, but since I’ve been pregnant, it’s giving me heartburn so I have to stay away from it.  I also use to love orange juice-namely Simply Orange.  I use to drink a half gallon in a day or two but can’t stand it now.
9.       What am I looking forward to this week?  I’m going to my coworker’s daughter’s baby shower this weekend.  More baby shopping.  She missed my shower because she had her baby a month early so I’ll get to see her new baby girl.
10.   What have I accomplished on my “To Do Before Baby Gets Here List”?  Got my baby shower done and out of the way.  I’ve been washing baby clothes and putting together baby stuff in preparation.  Now I have a good idea of what I still need so I can finally go shopping without worrying about getting stuff that I already have.  I also made up my mind on the pediatricians that I want to take Ashten to.  I’ve called and set up a tour and Q and A just to make sure
11.   What I still need to accomplish on my “To Do Before Baby Gets Here List”?  I still need to clean out my bedroom closets as well as Al’s.  I’m a pack rat and should have done this a long time ago.  Since I had the bright idea to not move into a bigger place when I was suppose to (which I will definitely do when my lease is up) I have limited space and really need the closet space for baby stuff and just need to declutter Al’s room.
12.   Pregnancy thoughts for the week?  Being pregnant is fun one minute but tiring the next.  I am just so ready to be holding my baby and playing with him.  I’m also ready for my body back.  I could be wearing some really cute outfits this summer!  On the other hand, I hate how hot it is outside and pregnancy is making it 200xs worst.  I don’t think I’ll be going outside again until October.

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