Friday, August 17, 2012

One Tired Mommy

Gah....this week has really been tiring for me.  I have tried to keep myself together and do as much as I can but my body is making me remember just how close my due date is.  I am super sleepy and super tired.

As of today, I have twelve more days to go and feeling every day.  Usually, I'm able to go out to appointments, have a little lunch or go to the grocery store for at least an hour or two with no problem.  As long as I get home and put my feet up a bit, I'm good to go when Al gets home from school.

For the past two days, I've been feeling pressure in my lower abdomen and a dull uncomfortable feeling in my lower back.  I even have to bring a chair to the kitchen to sit in while I cook or wash dishes.  No contracts yet, but it hurts more than usual to stand and even walk.  I swear I've had the same cramp in my left thigh for three days that just won't go away.  I don't know what is going on with the left side of my body, but seems like whenever I have pain or uncomfortableness, it always lingers on that side. 

I feel like my belly has ballooned over night AGAIN.  Tee shirts that I wore last week are now showing the bottom of my belly.  This is soo not cute.  But at this point, ask me if I care.  If I offend someone,  tough titties!

And through all this, my sweet little baby boy has dropped, but he is still bouncing off the walls of my uterus.  I thought that once a baby dropped they would have less room to move around-A Lie!  He is still very active and still balling up in the middle of my stomach.  I didn't get stretch marks with Al, but I am anticipating them with Ashten.  He has truly pushed and shimmed himself enough room in my tummy to move around as he pleases.

I had my weekly appointment on Wednesday and since I've been begging for relief, my doctor says that she will strip my membranes at my next visit.  Of course I researched it online and now I'm a little scared because some say it works and others say it didn't work.  I'm just afraid to go through the pain or uncomfortableness without having any results to show for it.  I didn't get a pelvic exam, which I though was odd since I haven't had one since I got tested for GBS at 35 weeks I think.  But I didn't push the issue because I'm not excited about letting them poke around down there until it's absolutely necessary.  Plus I didn't want to spend twenty minutes trying to get back into my clothes and shoes.

Oh, one of the girls that was in my Lamaze class that shared a due date with me, had her baby this past Wednesday.  I am sooo jealous!   Anyhoo, I've already got my feet up and I feel a nap coming on, so we'll see what happens...hopefully I go in labor this weekend...we'll see...

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