Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pregnancy Week Wrap Up: 39 Weeks

1.       How far along am I?  39 weeks with only days to go.  Woohoo!
2.       How much weight have I gained?  I gained three pound so I’m at 210.  OMG!  It feels like about half of that is my pregnant belly!!  And if one more person asks me if I'm having twins, I am going to go crazy!  Can't a pregnant girl enjoy her extraness without insensitive people making a big deal out of it?  And why people feel the need to tell you how big you are is just plain rude! 

3.       What changes have I notice in my body?  My God.  Does being pregnant with boys always wreak havoc on your body?  This is my second and it seems like it got worse with each one.  Therefore, I do not feel the need to try a third time.  My feet are still swollen.  My left one in particular because I dangle it off the couch a lot when I’m suppose to have them both propped up.  I have to sit down a little more because Ashten is getting heavier by the day.  My lower back pain especially on my left side has returned with vengeance.
4.       Advice my doctor is giving me? Just be ready.  It will happen any day now.
5.       How am I sleeping?  Still getting my sleep in the am hours.  I wonder is this a sign of what is to come when Ashten gets here…up all night and sleep during the day?
6.       Best moments of the week?  I finally got my big fat toes done because I couldn’t see them anymore.  I know they were in horrible shape when I went to the salon but I didn’t care.  I needed those bad boys done ASAP!  I also got a new mattress set.  I said I was going to replace my old one before Ashten got here but kept putting it off.  I figured that with the new comfy mattress, I’d be able to return to my bed, stretch out, and get rid of some of these aches and pains.  A lie!  It was sooo comfortable when I lay down on it in the store but when I got it home I realized I’d need help every time I got up.  It didn’t look so high in the store, but I see I’m going to have to climb in and out of this bad boy so it’s best if I go back to the couch for this last week.
7.       What food(s) am I craving?  I think this last week has me wonky because I’m craving tuna and chicken salad with macaroni and cheese on the side. 
8.       What food(s) I can’t stand?  Still none to report.
9.       What am I looking forward to this week?  The ride to the hospital.  I’m just so ready that it’s all I can think about. 
10.   What have I accomplished on my “To Do Before Baby Gets Here List”?  I bought a baby carrier this week because I’m just not into the bulkiness of strollers and I want to be hands free.  I picked up one in Target without looking at reviews and when I got it home, I was like WTH.  I couldn’t understand how you put it on and it had no hip support so back to Target it will go.  I have been leaning towards a Moby wrap but didn’t want to shell out the xtra $$$ or figure out how to tie it.  I’m actually looking for comfort and convenience so I can breastfeed any and everywhere so I’m thinking that the Moby just might be a good investment.
11.   What I still need to accomplish on my “To Do Before Baby Gets Here List”?  I need to find a reliable and affordable electric pump.  I want to go ahead and find one so when I go back to work I’m not in such a big rush to just pick up anything.  Still researching this.
12.   Pregnancy thoughts for the week?   Dear Ashten, please come…like now…and end my physical pain.  I love you sweetie, but you are seriously putting a hurting on your mommy.  It hurts to walk, it hurts to sit, and truth be told, it basically hurts all over.  Show me some mercy and just come already!

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