Monday, July 23, 2012

Yep Still Preggers

I've been MIA, but I've been on the move.  These last few weeks have flown by and I'm looking for the next five weeks to fly by too.  Wednesday will mark 35 weeks for me and I am so anxious to be holding my baby boy in my arms! 

He has really been taking me through some changes lately.  OMG, I feel like a total hot mess!  My back hurts, my stomach hurts, my hips hurt, my feet are swollen, and I can't get a good night's sleep to save my life! I swear Ashten is punishing me for having him so late in life.  I remember pain and uncomfortableness with Al, but to this extent-hell no.

I just know that I am going to have stretch marks that no amount of cocoa butter can fix.  I know they say that towards this end of the pregnancy the baby has less room to move around but I know this to be a lie.  I am worried because Ashten tends to spend most of his time lying vertically instead of horizontally.  Each time I go to the doctor, he is always head down in the correct position, but when I get him home, he attacks.  As if that isn't painful enough, it's like once he gets in this position, he balls up right in the belly button area.  Can we say painful!! 

I started my Lamaze class last week.  Actually, I started a Lamaze class at the hospital that I'm delivering at but it's at 7pm and I just didn't like the fact of being in the streets at that time of night and it's 30 minutes away.  And the class was boring.  Luckily I had signed up for another one at another hospital that is about ten minutes away (really wish I would be delivering at this hospital too)  and the teacher is enthusiastic and makes class fun. 

I also told you that I had started school.  Well after completing a three week orientation class, I am now in my third week of class.  It's been tough.  I haven't been in school in two years so it's taking some getting used to and planning.  I'm going on line to University Of Phoenix and it's taking a lot of time online but I am determined to get my degree in Human Resource Management.  At this point, I think I'm just going to skip the associates because I'm thinking that I already have enough credits to go ahead and get my bachelors instead of wasting time and money with getting that associates certificate.  Most of the companies and jobs that I"m looking into are asking for a bachelors anyway so the associates would be a waste of time anyway.  And like I said, I've got enough credits to be classified anyway, I was just so amped up to get the associates as a halfway point, but figuring in the money, it doesn't make sense. 

Oh, and looking back on the blog, I noticed that I never posted anything from my baby shower.  I am so disappointed in myself for this because I was so excited and had so much fun.   I promise I will do a back post about it.  And speaking of showers, although I'm laid off for the summer, we have been having meetings and touching base so that we can plan for next season (tax lady here), my coworkers had me a diaper shower.  Yes, a diaper shower.  Since no of them were able to come to the shower they got together and did this for me.  Luv them!  Looks like I won't be buying diapers for a couple of months.  Luv it! 

Well, that's about it for updates.  When I get this school thing down pat, hopefully I'll have more time to blog before my little man gets here.  Maybe I'm speaking too soon because Al will be back in school in two weeks and it's new school and new uniforms for him so I'll have to see how that goes.

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